How to unlock Slideways teleport ability

As an action RPG, Gotham Knights has a lot to offer fans who wish to explore the all-new Gotham City. This includes a host of exciting abilities for each of the four playable characters, which can also be used in exploration. Among them is Robin's Slideways teleport.

It's important to note that players will need to jump through some hoops to obtain it. This guide explains how to gain the unique ability to warp between short distances as Robin in Gotham Knights.

Robin's new teleportation ability requires completion of series of objectives to unlock in Gotham Knights

In a nutshell, players will need to talk to Alfred (Batman's iconic butler) during the beginning of Gotham Knight's Mission 1.3 called Weird Science. Once that mission is completed, it'll be followed by the player undertaking a bunch of busywork, after which they will be granted this traversal ability. All of this is part of the Knighthood questline for Robin. Here is a step-by-step process to gain this Heroic Traversal ability:

  • Finish Timed Strike training
  • Defeat 3 minibosses
  • Stop 10 Premeditated Crimes

Timed Strike can be completed by visiting the practice dummy located at the Belfry headquarters. It is next to the batcomputer. One has to select Advanced Training and then Timed Strikes by interacting with the dummy. This objective can be completed fairly quickly, so it is the easiest amongst the three requirements.

The other two are open-world activities. As players explore Gotham City, they will encounter crimes happening all over the place. Engaging with 10 of them and beating up the thugs should be enough to complete the Knighthood mission. Interestingly, mini-bosses can spawn during these crimes as well, so it is a "one stone, two birds" scenario generally.

Once all the criteria have been met, players will have to return to Belfry. This time, they have to visit Batman's shrine. This will trigger a cutscene that should then unlock the special ability for Robin. It allows him to teleport short distances by placing and releasing the warp cursor over the target location. This offers the added benefit of facilitating the unlocking of new skills and abilities to use in combat.

Do Gotham Knights players need to know anything else about such abilities?

While certain elements like each character's level will increase even for inactive party members, the same is not true of these Heroic Traversal abilities. As such, players will need to meet the Knighthood criteria by undertaking monotonous missions for each character. For example, after players finish the Timed Strike training for the first time, there will be a green checkmark next to it showing a Completed status. However, they will still need to redo it for each character.

Thankfully, the process and objectives are the same each time, but this also means they will be monotonous. While optional, unlocking these traversal abilities makes moving around the open-world map of Gotham Knights much easier.

Therefore, it is recommended that players try to unlock them as soon as possible despite the repetitive nature of the means to do so. It is absolutely worth the hassle in the long run. Gotham Knights is available on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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