Is Supreme Court Justice Alito conservative or liberal?

The 110th justice, he is. Justice Alito was seen as “one of the Court’s most conservative justices” in 2013.

As a “practical originalist,” he has referred to himself. McDonald v. Chicago, Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, Murphy v. NCAA, Janus v. AFSCME, and Dobbs v. Jackson are just a few famous cases where Alito wrote the majority opinion.

Is Supreme Court Justice Alito conservative or liberal?

The court determined that the Iranian woman was qualified for refuge based on her involvement in a feminist organization after hearing her asylum request in 1993.

When he failed to relate to the litigant, his bleeding-heart brand of conservatism came to an end.

In Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a case where the majority overturned a rule requiring women to notify their husbands before having an abortion, Alito dissented.

To replace Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, President George W. Bush proposed Alito in 2005.

In the early months of 2006, the Senate voted 58–42 to ratify his nomination.

In contrast to his conservative colleagues, Alito continues to make decisions as a justice of the highest court only on the facts of the case at hand.
