Release date and time, what to expect, and more

Oshi No Ko chapter 117 is set to be released on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 12 am JST. While Oshi No Ko is a weekly manga series, it will be on break this week, which is why the upcoming chapter will be released in the following week. Fans can read the manga on Shueisha's MANGA Plus app.

The previous chapter saw Ruby and Akane finding out that the film that was being created by Aqua and Gotanda was aimed at taking revenge on Ruby and Aqua's father. Thus, the role Ruby, Frill, and Akane were auditioning for was that of Ai Hoshino. Upon learning this, Ruby became persistent in playing the role and won the audition.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Kingdom manga.

Ruby Hoshino might officially get Ai Hoshino's role in Oshi No Ko chapter 117

Release date and time, where to read

Ruby Hoshino as seen in Oshi No Ko Chapter 116 (Image via Shueisha)

Oshi No Ko chapter 117 will be released on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, for most fans worldwide. For people in Japan, the chapter will be released on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 12 am JST. Subsequently, the release date and time will vary across different time zones.

The upcoming Oshi No Ko chapter 117 will be released internationally at the following times:

  • Pacific Standard Time: 7 am, Wednesday, May 10
  • Central Standard Time: 9 am, Wednesday, May 10
  • Eastern Standard Time: 10 am, Wednesday, May 10
  • British Standard Time: 3 pm, Wednesday, May 10
  • Central European Time: 4 pm, Wednesday, May 10
  • Indian Standard Time: 8:30 pm, Wednesday, May 10
  • Philippine Standard Time: 11 pm, Wednesday, May 10
  • Australian Central Standard Time: 12:30 am, Thursday, May 11

Fans can read Oshi No Ko chapter 117 on Shueisha's MANGA Plus app, which allows fans to read all the chapters of the manga series. However, a word of caution for readers is that they can view a specific chapter only once.

The only way for fans to read the manga is either by purchasing Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine or waiting for the chapter to be released as part of the tankobon volume.

What to expect from Oshi No Ko chapter 117?

Aquamarine Hoshino as seen in Oshi No Ko chapter 116 (Image via Shueisha)

Oshi No Ko chapter 117 will most likely see Ruby Hoshino officially get the role of Ai Hoshino after she won the interpersonal audition against Akane Kurokawa and Frill Shiranui. Given that it was not an official audition, Frill and Akane might first receive offers, which they are set to reject, following which Ruby Hoshino should receive the job offer, unless the producers decide to hire another actress.

The upcoming chapter could also focus on Akane Kurokawa or Aquamarine Hoshino as Aqua challenged Akane to stop him from killing his father, following which we could see either of them taking further action towards their respective goals.

Recap of Oshi No Ko chapter 116

Akane Kurokawa as seen in Oshi No Ko chapter 116 (Image via Shueisha)

Oshi No Ko chapter 116, titled Responsibility, saw Akane and Ruby learning that the role they were auditioning for was of Ai Hoshino. Akane believed that she was perfect for the role as she had already studied the idol deeply. In addition, she was also a better actress than Ruby Hoshino.

However, Ruby believed that she knew her mother's emotions and intentions better, which is why she persisted in continuing to audition until she won the role. Later, after Ruby won the audition, Akane was returning home when she found Aqua to be waiting for him. That's when she declared her intention to stop him.

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